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Third Eye Brow Chakra

Third Eye Brow Chakra

Third Eye Brow Chakra

The Brow Chakra, also known as the Third Eye, represents clarity, balance, and truth in how we perceive the world. The colors associated with this chakra are indigo and purple. Gemstones often used to support the brow chakra are Lapis, Azurite, and Amethyst. Lapis symbolizes honesty and wisdom. Azurite is a stone that enhances perception and discernment. Amethyst is known as the Third Eye stone which connects with spiritual awareness.

Brow Chakra Colors of stone typically used for this chakra are indigo, purple, and red. Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing. Azurite enhances creativity and inner wisdom. Lapis encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression, and reveals inner truth providing qualities of honesty, compassion, and morality to the personality. Pietersite can help one to find creative solutions to problems. Sapphire helps to open the mind to beauty and intuition.